Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir, författare
Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir, born in Malmö in 1965, is a performance maker and artistic researcher based in Iceland. She has worked as a director, writer, dramaturge, and performer in Iceland, the UK, Scandinavia, and beyond, with her work playing in Reykjavik, Malmö, New York, Vienna, online, on television, and radio.
Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir was a dramaturge at the City Theatre in Reykjavik and a lecturer and dean at the Iceland University of the Arts. In her work, she focuses on existentially sustainable, relation-specific performances and performative encounters.
Steinunn is also a mother of three, a theologian, life coach, and pottery maker.
Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir, född i Malmö 1965, är scenkonstnär och konstnärlig forskare, verksam i Island. Hon har arbetat som regissör, manusförfattare, och performer i bland annat Island, Storbritannien och Skandinavien. Hennes verk har satts upp i Reykjavik, Malmö, New York, Wien, online, på tv och i radio.
Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir har varit verksam som dramaturg vid Reykjaviks stadsteater samt lektor och dekanus vid Islands konsthögskola. Hennes arbete kretsar kring existentiellt hållbara, "relations-specifika" performance och performativa möten.
Steinunn har också tre barn, är teolog, livscoach och keramiker.
Within this project Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir explores sustainable methods of creating transformative encounters with an audience through participatory and site-specific artworks, with a particular focus on how minimal and sustainable the framework for the encounter can be. The project is rooted in Steinunn's artistic practice of more than 20 years, her degree in theology and most recently her practice as a life coach:
Throughout my practice I have been interested in creating a meaningful dialogue with my audience, acknowledging that what they bring to the performance is part of the actual content of the artwork. My aim is to bring these pre-existing participatory practices and sustainable questions into conversation with a wide range of other fields of practice that invite participants to engage with issues related to their own values, and give them space to co-create and reflect in ways that lead to potentially transformative and revelatory experiences.
The practice is anchored in a sustainable production ethos and a genuine interest in engaging an audience in a profound dialogue around quality of life.
Photos (from the dissertation at Malmö Theatre Academy): Theresa Benér